
Anti-Cyclical B2B Ads: Cut, Then Scale in Q4


January 24, 2023


Kevin Lord Barry

Co-Founder, Right Percent

B2B ad costs spike around Black Friday/Cyber Monday, so it pays to go anti-cyclical in Q4. Reduce budgets from mid-Nov to mid-Dec to dodge high CPMs. By December 15th, prices normalize and usher in a “Golden Time” for B2B advertisers to accelerate spending when competition and CPMs ease.

Kevin Lord Barry

Co-Founder, Right Percent

Kevin Lord Barry co-founded Right Percent, a Right Side Up venture that focuses on scaling fast-growing B2B companies in every vertical. Over the past 10 years, he’s managed millions in ROI-positive ad spend for brands like DoorDash, Zenefits, Masterclass, Segment, OnDeck, and more.

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